Travel Blog


Why take the train to the mountains

By Courtney Lambert

When you are travelling, regardless of your destination, you will generally want to decide what mode of transportation you are going to use. Many people have to consider whether they are going to go by plane or by train. The difference is your preferences. You may only be thinking about getting to your destination quickly, so that might mean that going by air is the best option. On the other hand if you are on a holiday, it might just serve your needs better to take the train.

Travelling by train does have its advantages and disadvantages, as you are soon to find out. However, before we discuss those disadvantages, maybe we should first help you decide where you will be laying your head during your travelling around the country. Finding a good bed at a relaxing location can be just as important as finding safe transportation.

If safety is your main concern when travelling about, you have to understand that there is simply no fool proof means of travelling, because they all have their drawbacks. However, we must point out that rail travel is often less distressing than some of the other means. There seems to be far less accidents when travelling by rail, and unlike air travel, you are able to stay in contact with family and friends, or find good beds and breakfast while in the passenger cars.

Travelling on a train will allow you to move about the car with much more freedom that is possible on a cramped plane. You also get to look out at the beautiful countryside that is going by your window. Besides that, when you travel in sleeper cars, you will have a nice bed where you can lay down to sleep for awhile. Try doing that in a car or air plane. Even with reclining seats this is impossible unless you are riding in a sleeper train.

In some areas of the world, any traveler would be missing out on a lot of good times by taking a plane from one place to another when they have the option of travelling on the rails. For instance, if you are going on a weekend ski trip to places like the French Alps, you would be missing out on a lot of great scenery by not taking the train. You also have to remember that you will not find a bed on an air plane.

With all the extra charges that are being added to plane tickets these days, you have to remember that if you are on a budget when travelling, you can take as many bags as you want without spending extra on a train. Of course, there are some drawbacks here as well because you will be taking care of your own luggage, instead of handing it off to a baggage handler for the airlines to take care of for you.

The choice is always going to be yours as to what means of transportation you are going to use. There are a lot of things to consider. It may be that you are in a hurry to get to where you are going. Or you may just want to take a leisurely trip to somewhere you have never been. The most important part about travelling is finding a nice comfortable bed when you get there.

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