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Discover Effective Tips On Creating A Good Landing Page

By Reed Slidell

When building a good landing page, attention needs to be given the head tag information. The head tag information is just the information that happens behind the scenes. Pass this onto your web guy and he will be able to help you if you're not sure. The meta description, the description should be selling. A lot of people don't optimize their description, but that meta description is what is going to appear in your search results underneath the title.

For my SEO services site, I usually like to ask a question in my title and then answer that question in the description. So, 'Looking for the Best Mortgages?...X Mortgages can Provide the Best Mortgages You're Looking For'. Basically you want to have the question up the top and then try and answer it underneath. That's a good landing page example. There are plenty of different ways to skin a cat though.

In my Metastock web site, I can give some good example for the ones I use. Someone types in 'metastock formula' which is the niche where I initially got started in Metastock. Next to the Metastock website, we're pretty much the decisive place for that actual niche. 'Metastock formula can help you identify profitable trading opportunities if you know the way to use it. Grab free practical Metastock professional tricks and tips. Click here'.

You know what that 'Click here' is here at the end? That could be a call to action. I am telling them what to do. The very last thing after they read that's left in their mind. 'Click here'. I'm telling them what to do. The same is done with my SEO Company Site. Always ensure you tell the user what it is that they should be doing next. Obviously you would like to interweave your keywords and so on into the description.

The following step to consider for custom landing page is on site copy. Ensure that you keep your paragraphs short and much to the point. Folks do not like reading those gigantic long blocks of copy. You get lost in the copy. So you want to make sure that you break it up into little sections. If you break it up into little sections, it'll be way easier to digest. Be straightforward, clear, direct, no absurdities, no mixed meanings.

When it comes to writing copy on a website, you want to write it to an eighth grade level because you want to make sure that the user can understand it. Don't assume things. Don't think, oh, they should know this, or they should have heard of that analogy or they should have this. It's not about you, it's about your user, so always think through their eyes and make it as easy as you can for them.

The absurdity, is something like, at the end of an article on a good landing page, you might write 'How did you find this website?' because you're inspiring someone to then go on and post a comment on your say SEO blog. 'How did you find it? Did you love it? Post it over to your friends.' The ambiguity there is , or mixed meaning is, do you mean how did I like it, or how did I locate it? Did I like it? Ok, well I found it on Google. That is a real example of those ambiguities.

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