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Choosing Between Sun and Shade Grown Tobaccos

By Drew Danson

Many people wonder just how the way tobacco grows will affect the taste of their cigars. In fact, the growth of the tobacco will affect many things, including how the cigar tastes, how it burns, the aroma it will have and its boldness. You need to know all of the details that have to do with creating the cigars in your humidor so that you can truly enjoy them and choose the right options whenever you want to add to your cigar collection.

Tobacco is often grown in two different ways. It can be grown in the sun or under diffused light in the shade. Does it matter which of these options is chosen? Actually it does very much. There is one main purpose why cigars are grown in the shade. When they are grown under tarps, they only have access to diffused light. In addition, these tarps or greenhouses will actually trap a great deal of heat and moisture. In this situation, the leaves of the tobacco plant will grow very large. That makes the leaves the perfect option for creating cigar wrappers. When you look at the cigars in your humidor, chances are, their wrappings were shade grown.

Sun grown tobacco is almost always used for the actual filling of the cigar. The reason for this has to do with the fact that tobacco grown in the sun will be stronger in flavor. When you want to enjoy the most depth of flavor and aroma from your cigars, you will want to make sure the tobacco within them is sun grown. You will be surprised at just how big of an impact this will have on the taste and flavor of your cigars. Anytime you stock your humidor, make sure you choose sun grown cigars wrapped in shade grown leaves.

Tobacco grown in the sun will be much more flavorful since it has access to the sun's rays which will bring out all of its flavors. This means that the leaves grown in the sun will make the best options for the filling of your cigar. This does not mean you will not find cigars made from shade grown filling. However, if you want to get the most flavor and the most depth of taste from your cigars, then you will want to make sure it is made from sun grown tobacco. It will make a very big difference.

Sun and shade grown tobacco both should be used in the creation of a good cigar. However, shade grown is best used for wrappers. Sun grown cigars will provide the best in flavor.

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