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People Select Long Distance Airline Flights In the daytime Yet Should Take the Redeye Instead

By Rifo Rinaldi

The other day I was reintroduced with a very interesting YouTube video. Perhaps you have viewed it as well; it is a video of the airline flights in the entire world. Every flight presents a bright dot in the map. You watch the bright lights move worldwide going to their next destination. I've been fascinated with this because I am a pilot, and also since my dad flew the 747 as an airline pilot completing endless numbers of international flights. It's awesome that as the night fell upon the globe there were fewer airline flights at night. Okay so let's talk shall we?

You see, it appears that lots of people like to travel overseas across the sea in the daytime. But actually they'd be better off to get the redeye and fly during the night. Why you ask? Considering as you go up in height the oxygen is quite a bit thinner, so you is subjected to more solar radiation. There is actually fewer radiation during the nighttime since the Globe is preventing the sun. The Earth is also moving forward, also it disperses that radiation around the globe also. The secret would be to flight during the nighttime towards the trailing edge of the direction the Earth is moving around the Sunlight. That is if you desired to get the least amount of radiation exposure.

A long international flight during the daytime might expose you to a similar quantity of radiation if you had a light x-ray from a length. This can lead to free radicals in your body, and although it isn't gonna kill you, or perhaps result in any harm, it could also be cumulative. Your physique is a amazing machine also it heals itself qucik enough, however, if you're continuously bombarding it with radiation, that is not good either. A few people is worried about going through the strip search scanners that the TSA has now in many of the airports, they are worried because it can harm their bio system.

While it's true, not significant and it is akin to flying on altitude, which individuals do of their own free will each time they get on an airliner anyway. Nevertheless, if you are concerned about the TSA strip search scanners, then possibly you may also consider flying during the night to reduce your cumulative time of exposure to solar radiation. That is all I'm telling here.

No, you shouldn't get too worried by any of this, although I thought I might bring it to your attention, so you should perform some of your own personal research. Although it isn't a really big problem, the internet effect is not zero. You get the point? Please think about all this and think about it.

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