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Lies About The Truth About Abs Workout You Might Believe

By Andrew Tatiana

If you're anything like me, you probably think that you have the Truth About Abs workout figured out. You can see right through the whole thing and you've got not time for this garbage. Usually when something seems too good to be true it is and you haven't got the time or the money for a rehash of the same old stuff.

When I first heard about this book I was sure that after all the hype was over that people would be on to some other rendition of the latest, greatest workout that is supposed to give you spectacular results. I was in no hurry to jump on the bandwagon and start drinking the spiked punch any time soon. After all, what could be inside this book that I hadn't already heard or that I couldn't find out for myself for nothing?

From time to time I have had to eat my own words. I admit this freely but I was pretty sure that this wasn't going to be one of those times, or would it? I had a buddy that was talking to everyone that he knew about this great workout that he had just started and how he felt and looked better thanks to this book that he had read. You know the type of guy. The guy that practically begs you to ask him what's up even though you don't want to hear it but out of respect you oblige him and kick back to listen to the ranting and raving.

I gave in and decided to listen to what he had to say while doing my best to shoot holes in his miracle workout. Yes, it was the Truth About Abs workout and I was well prepared to blow him out of the water and bring him back to planet earth because he was driving me nuts. So, I asked him straight up if he was enjoying spending all of his free time workout and if it was worth it just to have a ripped set of abs.

He laughed at me and said that this was what he thought at first. He really wanted to get in shape and even if it meant working out every day he was in if he could get looking like some of the pictures that he had seen from people that had used the Truth About Abs workout. He said that he was pleasantly surprised and that he was actually working out less than he had ever been before.

I was down with that. So, I hadn't discover the chink in his armor. He wasn't working out like a dog every night. He wasn't spending a third of his life in a gym but there had to be a logical explanation. There must be some sort of catch and I was prepared to find it. I was pretty sure that there was more to the story like that I would be required to do special exercises at a gym or buy some sort of giant silly bands that I would turn into dog toys later once I realized that this program didn't work. So, I asked him.

He laughed at me again and explained that the Truth About Abs workout didn't require a gym membership and that the author actually recommended that you stay away from the gym. It simply wasn't necessary. There was no specialized equipment to buy, although my buddy had bought a chinup bar and some free weights once he started seeing results because he was so excited.

Now, all of this muscle wasn't coming from nowhere so I as sure that he was juicing to some degree. So, I let him have it with both barrels and I was sure that this would shoot some holes in his story. Creatine or maybe protein shakes were probably to blame for his sudden change. Maybe that was the key behind the Truth About Abs workout. I was sure of it

I got a chuckle out of him and he informed me that he wasn't doing anything like that either. He said that the Truth About Abs workout was all about understanding what it took to build muscles not only in your abdomen but making your entire body fit. Of course, his goal was to get a ripped set of abs but the rest was just this huge bonus. He said that he felt better, was stronger, was happier and that he looked better than ever in the mirror all thanks to the Truth About Abs workout.

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