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How to Incrrease Conversions With Intelligent Testing and Tracking

By Kathy Jhones

Performance improvement testing is a practice that not a lot of online marketers do. Ask any highly experienced web marketer, and you will hear the same thing every time. It isn't important what kind of conversion you would like, or rather, what your most desired response is from a website visitor. There are so many instances where testing can be useful such as your main page, primary content pages, sales letter copy, squeeze pages and more. For sales letter copy or squeeze pages, the best item to test first is normally the headline. The principle is very easy to get due to the fact that lots of people are going to only be doing A/B split testing. We are going to look at this important topic of testing and tracking in the rest of this article.

There are a number of vital things to consider before you get going with testing your copy. Whenever you stumble upon anything relating to testing, go ahead and assume you need to do tracking, also. You need to know any time a visitor clicks through one of your links on the page you are testing.

You do not install tracking on squeeze pages, although it may be nice to see how many really click on the link. If you require a good tracking script that doesn't cost anything, then you may want to look at Google Analytics.

It is vital to realize that few people write the highest converting article the very first time it is produced. Designs for landing or squeeze pages and sites oftentimes are not as optimized as they could be, either. The expensive copywriters on the planet never craft the best copy they can the first time.

Hopefully you realize that there is a very clear and powerful need to test everything for the highest possible conversions attainable. It really does not matter why many web marketers do not test, just make sure that you do.

The simplest approach to evaluate a squeeze page, for instance, is to make use of a simple URL rotator script. These are typically coded in PHP, and so you will simply add the PHP file extension after the URL that is tested. Then you merely upload version A and version B of the webpage, so they could be rotated, and get started delivering traffic to it. Be sure you simply modify one thing such as the heading, for instance. Testing just one item is crucial because you have to know what caused any converision rate deviations. Taguchi multivariate testing is a good tool to test several variables at one time, but that is another story.

I needed to better my results with a sales letter that I was sending traffic to from PPC ads. The conversion rate was below 1% when I put it out to cold visitors. I was able to boost the conversion rate to approximately 7% with PPC traffic which is not easy to achieve. Hopefully you clearly see that testing and optimizing your sites will certainly be beneficial for you.

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