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Learn viral marketing the easy way

By Lisa Elsetony

There's a reason why viral marketing has taken off on the net in that last few years and it's because it's never been so cheap to reach so many people. At its core viral marketing is all about letting other people spread the word about your site for you. But how does viral marketing work and where do you start?

It's important to be different when hoping to go viral as the internet really has no time for ideas that have been done before. That doesn't mean you have to complexly re-invent the wheel, some of the most successful viral campaigns have been a new slant on an old concept. Mostly you will have to experiment to until you find the right formula.

A mistake that people often make when they create some kind of viral content is "overselling it". For example if you create a great info-graphic but your corporate branding is too prominent it's going to put people off. We don't mind being sold to but do it under the radar.

It's important to get the ball rolling at the start of the campaign. Even if you have the most "sharable" content ever you really have to get someone prominent (i.e. a blogger) to get your campaign off the ground. It's only after you hit a critical mass of people that your idea can start to snowball and this is when viral marketing becomes real value for money.

It's really important to measure your success with any kind of campaign. Unless you only plan to do one campaign (not advisable) how will you know what works/what doesn't unless you measure how many extra visitors/sales you get? It's not always easy to measure how successful your viral marketing efforts are but anything is better than nothing, knowledge is power when it comes to statistics.

Creating content that people simply have to share is definitely not easy. I suppose the toughest parts is coming up with a unique idea that hasn't been done before and also not overselling the commercial aspect of what you're doing. There are big rewards if you can crack the secret to web marketing though.

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