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Fish Tanks And Aquariums

By Andy Ken

If you use right kind of tools with proper guidelines at a fixed interval of time, maintenance of aquariums and tropical fish tanks becomes a very easy task. In case you are unable to follow up the guidelines, the same work can be tedious. For the aquarium lover, several test kits are available to maintain it properly.

Some of the most important test kits available in the market are KH to determine the buffering capacity of an aquarium i.e. carbonate hardness of water in your tropical fish tank, nitrate to check the change in water level in the fish tank, Ammonia and Nitrate to check the biological filtration is coping with waste levels etc.

Before you start cleaning up your tropical tank, you must turn off the heater, filter or any other electric accessories and make sure that the power supply is completely off. Then you must empty the big bucket and aquarium gravel. You must keep the bucket below the aquarium to insert hose into the bucket.

You must remove 20% of water from the tank by inserting vacuum and pumping up and down till the water starts flowing into the bucket. To check the filter cartridge would be the next step. Once in a month, you must replace or rinse it out. By using algae scrubber, you must remove algae from inside the tank and its decorations.

Once the tank is refilled with lukewarm water till the fill line, water dechlorinator must be added at right proportion. Then turn on the heater and after that check out after an hour if it's working properly or not. The maintenance of a fish tank would become an interesting task if the aforesaid steps can be followed properly.

There are certain facts which you need to keep in mind i.e. place them properly in the aquariums, helping baby fish to grow if your fish reproduce, keeping their water clean in terms of totally bacteria free, the fish at appropriate time and intervals. This would guide you to maintain fish aquarium properly.

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