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Why Wilderness Survival Training Has Become So Popular

By Kerry Ross

In this modern world one would be forgiven for wondering why people would pay good money for learning how to survive in the wild. Yet wilderness survival training is extremely popular, and not only with people that are adventurous and that need to actually stay alive in very rough circumstances. It is more an issue of learning how to survive in this world.

Modern urban living has become extremely artificial. People have grown used to buying whatever it is that they need and they no longer have to struggle to find the means to survive. Of course many people are actually struggling to simply stay alive. The age of dispensability and convenience has become burdensome to some people. They long back to a life where they need to look after themselves rather than to simply depend upon consumerism.

The ability to survive without modern tools and the infrastructure that has become a part of life is psychologically beneficial to most people. We have lost the ability to depend upon ourselves for our daily food, to protect ourselves against danger and to be aware of our environment. Learning these skills can do much to restore self confidence and self reliance.

One would be inclined to think that it is only rough men that want to prove their own toughness that enjoys this type of training. Noting can be further from the truth. There are special courses that cater for every possible target group ranging from fashionable ladies to young children. Courses are meant to teach people of all ages, genders and walks of life to appreciate nature and to survive in it.

Courses that teach surviving often concentrate upon the ability to find food whilst staying safe. This includes the hunting and trapping of animals, searching for edible plants and even learning about natural medicines. Some people simply do not like the idea of killing anything for food but it is a necessary skill. Much of what is learned about finding food has practical applications in modern life.

Another important aspect of surviving is to become aware of the environment and the elements. This includes looking for signs of danger, shelter, weather changes and even signs of other forms of life. In normal life these skills can also be valuable. Many students report an increased awareness of their living environments. They are not only more aware of what is going on around them by they are also better able to appreciate the beauty that surrounds them.

Before enrolling in a course it would be wise to do some basic research. It is important to choose an experienced training company and it is vital that they are properly endorsed. It would also be a good thing to check their safety record and to ensure that they carry the insurance cover demanded by the law. It is always a good idea to ask for references too.

Wilderness survival training is definitely not just for tough guys. Many people say that such courses have helped them gain self confidence and self reliant. Modern man has lost the ability to become part of the environment and to rely upon himself for his own safety and survival.

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