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AJ Hoge Power English Assists Learners To Speak The Language

By Mark Spolsky

The director of AJ Hoge Power English claims that his system of teaching enables people to learn fast if they put in the recommended amounts of time and energy. It is an online system that can easily be downloaded. For people who are interested in learning how to speak English intelligibly this could be an answer.

The beauty of this system is that the lessons can be downloaded straight from the World Wide Web and stored on MP3 players. The lessons can be used repeatedly and the more often that they are listened to and the more practice speaking students do the faster they will learn.

During the latter half of the twentieth century important theoretical work on language acquisition was completed. As a result of research in Applied Linguistics a new approach to language teaching and learning was developed. It became known broadly as 'communicative' language teaching because it recommended teaching approaches based on learning the natural way, by copying the speech patterns that we hear when the target language is being used in daily life.

There is always a gap between theory and practice in teaching. Being in a classroom full of demanding and expectant students is very different to the theory that is expounded on in teacher training colleges. Even teachers who have been taught the theory of communicative language teaching are tempted to fall back on the way that they were themselves taught when they find themselves behind a teacher's desk.

In fact, real language learning takes place when students themselves are talking and listening in order to respond. Language actually involves more than sound. Gestures, facial expressions and voice modulations are very important aspects of communication. When using a language for real purposes one has to understand thing like idiom, slang and irony because these things convey real meaning.

People for whom English is not a first language have great difficulty in learning the language if they are exposed only to formal lessons and instruction in grammar. There are many languages teachers throughout the world who cannot really speak the language that they teach because they have never learnt it in natural contexts. They teach bits and pieces, explaining English grammar and vocabulary without experiencing the flow and speed of the language as it is used in shops, offices and homes where it is the mother tongue.

AJ Hoge Power English has developed materials that are based on the error ridden conversations that occur in the context of real life. This should be understood in the light of theories which have shown that language in use is not formal or error free. Following from this the materials are interesting and easy to use.

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