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Some Wonderful Fiftieth Birthday Gift Ideas for a Techie

By Zeta C. Donairee

Amazing fiftieth birthday gift suggestions for a techie include old tech, new version of yesterday's technology, music and motion pictures of the past, and gift certificate.

Purchasing a gift for someone who's about to turn 50 years old can be challenging. If the celebrant is a techie, there are numerous gift options available that range from silly to exaggerated. Base your choice of gift item on the character of the recipient, the budget you have, and your relationship with this individual.

Old tech

Giving an individual an "old tech" object should be accompanied with a good sense of humor that will convey a sense of the past. This type of gift will be great for an individual who seems to have everything and is difficult to find a gift for. One excellent suggestion of gifts of this kind will be a traditional bag phone, that is the predecessor of the cell phones of today and the CRT television sets. You'll most likely find these things only from "pre-owned" sources like local flea markets, antique dealers, and vintage shops. Include a humorous card with a message concerning the fondness of the birthday celebrant for old technologies to complete the gift item.

Updated version of yesterday's technology

Another techie object which is also considered as one of the finest unique 50th birthday gifts you could give is a new version of an old-tech item. For instance, if the birthday celebrant loves listening to music frequently, you can give him an electronic turntable, which is similar to a record player and yet plays MP3 recordings. Other modernized techie objects would be a selection of recipes embedded in a computer's memory, bbq tools that have electronic readings, and a metal sensor that features an LCD monitor rather than a bar gauge.

Music and motion pictures of the past

Another gift idea you can give a tech-loving individual who is going to commemorate his fiftieth birthday will be music and films of the past five decades. Buy an external hard disk with a good capacity to hold loads of data. Then, figure out the blockbuster or famous movies which were created and shown about half a century ago. You can easily search these on the web. Just type the keyword "best films of the 1960s" on your search browser. You will then be shown a page of numerous websites that will provide the information. You can choose whichever site you wish to open and base your choice on. Look for the film titles and download them into your laptop or computer. You'll need to have an application that will allow you to download motion pictures from the web. After you've downloaded them, transfer them right away to the hard drive. Do the same thing for music which were popular during the celebrant's younger years.

Gift certificate

Although a gift certificate would not offer much meaning, it would, however, give the person a chance to purchase things which he truly want or need. You can give the birthday celebrant a gift certificate from a famous techie store. For instance, if he or she is an avid music listener, a gift certificate of an electronic music shop will surely be appreciated.

An external hard disk is a handy gadget which will let you save numerous data, like music and motion pictures. It can also be a great gift for a techie.

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