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Secrets of the Mayan Calendar: Pulp Fiction?

By Frank D Gardner

Ancient Calendars, Prophetic Starsigns

To our plugged-in, fast-paced cultures, the dichotomy of the Maya appears more fascinating with each passing year. Living so closely with nature, crafting some of the world's first urban centers out of simple timber and stone, they nevertheless gained a level of technological and cultural sophistication that other civilizations would struggle to replicate after their passing. Demonstrating an uncanny facility for astronomy, language, storytelling, and architecture, their legacy of megalithic structures and the particular accuracy of their timekeeping lends a certain credibility to their prophecies regarding the end of our current cycle in the Mayan long-count calendar - one of the most accurate ever conceived.

As the cycle's final year draws close, popular culture has become more and more obsessed with the truth or fallacy of the Mayan "doomsday" predictions. However, not everyone knows the specifics of these prognostications, and some who claim to sincerely believe in their eventuality are still mistaken as to the specific indications made by the ancient culture about the 13th cycle's final hours.

From World to World

Mayan spiritual texts forecast many events surrounding the end of a series on the long-count calendar , occurring on approximately the 22n day of December, 2012. At that time, the earth was predicted to begin undergoing a day-long spiritual and cosmological transformation. The following list of seven prophecies are foretold to take place on this day:

1. Ticking Clock. The 20 years before 2012, starting in 1992, were seen as the final winding down of a clock which measured the time human beings had left to behave in their current, foolish, destructive ways. As this time limit draws to an end, according to prophecy, humans will have to make a choice to bring themselves into greater spiritual alignment with nature and the cosmos, or face the utter remaking of everything they know and understand.

2. Look Within for Salvation. Members of the human race are instructed to search inward for salvation, following the sign of the eclipse on August 11th, 1999, which is predicated to mark the point at which humanity will collectively decide to move toward a future of peace and harmony, or drift further from it. The Maya also believed the eclipse would affect the pull of energy across our entire galaxy, including having a mental influence on all the people of the earth.

3. The Two Paths. The third prophecy foretells that whichever path mankind chooses - that of fear and hatred, or love and understanding - we will undergo a transformational experience that will give us the tools necessary to evolve our consciousness to the next level. Our struggles will only persist as long as we have something to learn from them, and our energy will constantly increase.

4. Choose Your Path. Faced with these calamitous times, humanity, it is said, will collectively choose whether to walk the path of peace and understanding, or succumb to fear and hatred. As the Maya supported a worldview which identified concepts with their opposites, they did not believe that either of choice was necessarily preferable, just that we as a people would choose the path we needed to travel in order to develop the tools to enhance our own spiritual enlightenment.

5. Crash Down. Any of man's existing systems of order and government that still suffer from corruption, and which cause people to live in fear and oppression, will crumble in the wake of the new era's dawning. An age of greater harmony between people and nature is not long off.

6. Comet Encounter. The Maya viewed comets, which they regularly observed, to be harbingers of change; to this end, they forecast that during the end of the 13th cycle, a new comet would appear, heralding the massive shift in cosmic reality just around the corner.

7. Worldwide Wakeup. The seventh and final prophecy makes it clear that no matter which path we choose, humanity is destined to arrive at a place of greater understanding and harmony, both within our communities and also in terms of our connection with the plant and animal life of Mother Earth. Therefore, despite Hollywood's take on the subject, no fiery doom was forecast by the Maya for the planet, nor did they view the 13th cycle's closing as an end - rather it was foretold to be a beginning, a fresh start for both all human souls and the biosphere as a whole.

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