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How To Identify Sunglasses Lens Types

By Catalina Nielsen

Sunglasses are considered to be an expensive accessory but in reality this is not true at all because they also act as a protection against direct sunlight getting exposed to your eyes. Its significant that you should be familiar with sunglasses lens types because when buying a new pair of glasses, you must have the capacity to make the an excellent choice in this regards.

Not many people are aware of the fact that direct exposure to sunlight for a long period of time can damage your eye sight. Eyes are the most sensitive part of your body and also the most vital organ. Therefore, if you know that you will be in the sun for extended period of time you should make sure that your eyes are fully protected throughout the time.

Diverse types of lenses offer distinctive sort of protection. Assuming that you select standard lenses they will give you slightest measure of protection. While if you pick the polarized lenses they offer more defensive qualities. The distinction between standard and polarized lenses is that the standards have an extremely uniform tint and it isn't much viable in slowing down immediate contact of sun rays with the eyes.

On the other hand, in polarized lenses, a parallel line of tint runs through which just diverts the sun rays as soon as the surface of the lens is hit. This feature is essential because if the surface allows the sunlight to penetrate through it means your eyes are not protected at all. That is why, many people opt for polarized ones instead of the ordinary lenses as they offer extensive amount of protection.

Apart from these two common types, sometimes the sunglasses possess a few additional features like the anti reflection coating. This type of coating contains some special type of metal oxides and the coating is applied to both front and back side of the lenses in a layer format. These layers are helpful in blocking light reflections that can cause glare and other problems to your eyesight.

Panchromatic lens is likewise very famous regarding protection of eyes. These lenses change their color when increased amount of light is exposed to them. The lens can transform its color from being lighter shade to a much darker shade and then later on the lens changes to its normal light color.

UV rays protection is an alternate characteristic that the sunglasses lenses may have. UV or regularly regarded as ultra violet rays are being regularly exposed from the sun and they are extremely harmful for human skin as well as eyes. One must ensure that the eyes and also your skin is well protected from UV rays because if exposed and not protected you might even damage your eyesight forever.

It is really important that you are familiar with sunglasses lens types before you go out to buy a new pair for yourself. You should go for good quality in terms of the brand and lenses type rather than looking for cheap price because at the end of the day eyes are a vital part of your body and you need to protect them from getting harmed.

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