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Leaving the UK? Don't Forget Your Tax Refund

By Paul Kleinfelt

When circumstances take you out of the country, don't forget to stay in touch - there might be a hefty tax refund waiting for you. If you've lived and worked in the UK, but are leaving or have left in the last four tax years, you may be eligible to claim cash back in the form of overpaid taxes.

If you paid too much into your taxes during your final tax year or any of the previous four tax years, you may be eligible for a rebate of taxes. The amount you receive from your tax refund depends on your various sources of income - earnings, savings and investments, rental properties, benefits, etc. There are many reasons why an individual might have an unclaimed tax refund:

1. The tax code associated with your income is or was incorrect

2. The taxpayer had job-related expenses and has not claimed them yet.

3. Job-related expenses were incurred without being claimed

4. A variety of reasons - it's always worth double-checking to see what you're entitled to particularly if you were employed in specific professions

Upon leaving the UK, your first course of action will be to fill out a P85 form which is an official HMRC form. Most of the time, a P45, P60, or P11d is also needed - these documents cover important information such as past employers, taxes paid, and job-related benefits and expenses. If you submit your P85 to the HMRC and they request a self-assessment tax return, you will need to complete this before receiving any tax rebate due. Self-assessment tax returns are typically required in situations where the tax payer is self-employed, or receives money from alternate income sources, such as rental property.

Don't let all the paperwork bog you down - if you believe that leaving the UK might result in a tax refund, you can make use of trusted online services such as, which offer free tools for estimating your UK tax back refund.

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