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Social Recommendations Encourage A Bigger Sense Of Mutual Growth

By Mary Rich

We live in a vastly complex world of independent nations and peoples. Within each nation it is difficult to develop and build consensus on matter which affect the population at large, yet decisions must be made in order to avoid descending into anarchy. Following a few social recommendations, however, could quell much of the turbulence and make the world a nicer place.

One reason for the worldwide interaction is that the resources of the planet are not equitably distributed, with some nations have much more than others. Historically, nation-states act internally with little regard for mutual cooperation. When this approach led to hardship for any single nation-state, the usual recourse was fighting, with the aim of taking that which was needed.

There are problems with both approaches; total reliance on the free market can allow the rich to get richer with a greater access to consumer product reviews, while the governmental control approach leaves open the possibility of bias. A combination approach is healthier for all, globally one thing has been proven in almost every kind of society; letting the difference between the haves and those who have not is a recipe for disaster.

The richer nations have what they need for society to flourish, and are often most generous to their own citizenry. This makes it all the more difficult when circumstances change and the economy which supported the beneficence stumbles. Oil serves as a good example illustrating how even powerful countries can suffer when their access is limited or threatened.

Some nations have opted to increase government revenue with high individual taxation, assuaging the population with sweeping benefits in education and health. In some communities this has worked very well, but in others it has come close to causing an economic meltdown locally serious enough to threaten the global economy. The key again is maintaining steady growth.

With the welfare of the global population most affected by the continuous mechanisms of trade and commerce, the health of a country economy is nearly equal to the quality of life of the people. In developing and developed nations alike, an expanding economy with solid production translates into a generous government and a good society. When events lead to a decrease in production and there is an economic contraction, times become difficult.

Reformers come in two types, the first believe austerity and frugality are the only means to a healthy economy and therefore citizenry. The second believes the government must intervene to stimulate continued spending and growth to reverse any contraction. Because economies fluctuate between growth and contraction unpredictably, the answer again lies in a combination of frugality and expanded support to the economy.

While it has always been so, the digital age has permanently ensured that commerce is not a national or even regional endeavor. Every country is interdependent on all others, and the only smooth path forward is mutual success. Analysts all over the world conclude that when every nation sees itself as part of a whole enterprise and acts responsibly for everyone, there will be far less strife and suffering.

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