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Becoming Immersed In A Second Language: A Language Hacking Guide Review

By Mark Spolsky

Putting together a Language Hacking Guide review must account for a number of positives. The work, in short, will assist most people in learning any foreign language. Those who have already learned secondary languages can nab additional informative tips from the guide.

The author is an adorer of languages, a polyglot who has learned several new languages in just a few months each. Lewis has a number of interesting tips for his readers, many of which are not traditional and are not covered in most other learning sources. They do work, however, and this is what makes his work unique. The author thinks outside the box to come up with a fundamental framework that will provide the reader with the key to fluency.

Acquisition by immersion is the key pillar of the method. Lewis notes that because no child would ever learn to speak by studying lessons in grammar and vocabulary, then neither should adults who are pursuing a second tongue. Thus, the guide does not emphasize reading and writing and instead concentrates on speaking. For those interested particularly in holding conversations with others, this is one attribute the book has that makes it so intriguing.

Beyond specific tips, the guide works great as an encouraging friend. Lewis maintains that those venturing into a new frontier must stay positive no matter what. He is relentless on this point, and it really does work. A good attitude, and an ability to ward off discouragement, is a significant first step in accomplishing any task.

Lewis recommends that the languages in which people are already fluent be left utterly behind (if possible) when learning a new one. This continues the immersion theme. Switching over to languages that one already knows retards the development of the new language. People should use their target languages exclusively, specifically seeking out people who speak it.

Lewis presents a plethora of great tips and puts a great emphasis on free resources. Many of his tips are easy to follow, such as avoiding speakers of your native language when traveling in another country. The author also provides helpful lists of language-themed learning sites and online dictionaries for additional information.

This Language Hacking Guide review recognizes that the work is a fine aid to learning languages. It will be especially useful to those who want to participate in conversations and speak naturally, and should lead to a new level of fluency.

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