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Knowing More About Entrepreneurial Addiction

By Misty Tyler

People can be addicted to almost anything whether it would be drinking, smoking, exercising, or even something like opening up a business. Now the addiction to starting up businesses would be known as entrepreneurial addiction and is actually something that is very harmful. There are actually studies that would prove that this condition is real and there are symptoms attached to it.

Actually, this is quite a condition wherein one can get addicted to the process of opening up a business and just that. Now the reason as to why this would have a negative effect on people is because opening up a business itself can already take quite a toll. So one can just imagine what would happen if a person would just keep on opening up new businesses.

Now people who would exhibit this kind of behavior would usually be found to have many start up businesses in one time period. They are actually not interested in running their own business. The one thing that they are interested in would be to see their ideas come to life and then will change to another business once they get bored with the previous one.

Now a person who exhibits this kind of this behavior are often very anxious and think nothing except work. In fact, they do not have anything on their mind that is not about their work. Because of this, they would tend to neglect other aspects of their life like their health, their personal life, or even their family.

Now these people would often like to start different projects but would never get around to finish them. They would just be in the heat of the moment wherein they will implement the idea but once they get bored, they will just junk the project in the middle. It is because of this that they will actually never get anything done because of this sickness that they would have.

Of course businesses would have their ups and downs especially when they have just been started. Those who have this type of addiction are very moody and would throw a fit if there were any downturns in the process of the start up. They would often have an entrepreneurial version of the so called artistic temperament that artists would have if they cannot think of a new idea for their next masterpiece.

Of course one of the worst symptoms of this condition would be their money handling skills. This means they can just keep on injecting money into putting up a new business because they want nothing more than to see all their ideas take form. Now they do not care even if they are suffering from financial struggles as long as they can feel the rush of opening up their business.

So by looking at the symptoms of this condition, one can actually see just how dangerous this can be for any businessman. Yes they are known to be extremely great and impressive innovators but they cannot be businessmen. They have the tendency to go extreme and to mismanage the business that they have started because of this condition that they have.

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